Sunday, December 1, 2013


I would definitely choose an animal. The plant choices just don't do enough that I would want to be one. Also, if you think about hierarchy, those plants are gonna get eaten or die off before and animal would. An animal on the other hand lives a full life often filled with adventure. A bird would be my animal of choice. It would give me the opportunity to do things I haven't done or haven't been able to do yet. Flying would obviously be a great ability to have everyday. The bird gets to see different areas when it wants, and go south for the winter which I wish I could. I definitely would be a bird just for these opportunities.
I would be a monkey. I like to climb around in trees and be advantageous. I like that they can climb up and get away from people or love people as much as we love them. 
If I was an animal, fruit, vegetable, or flower I think I would be a dog.  However I wouldn’t want to be a small lap dog I would want to be a bigger dog like a Golden Retriever or a German Shepard or a Lab.  I would want to be one of these dogs because for the most part they are great family dogs and all they have to do is lay around and eat and be loved (in most families).  I wouldn’t have to worry about a job or school or making money I would just have to make my family happy.
I would be a zebra because I'm fast, exotic and I look good in stripes.
don’t understand the assignment about the animal fruit veggie and flower thing. 
If I had to choose, I would be and animal, specifically a eagle. I just really like what the eagle stands for, freedom and protection. I think the eagle is what we as Americans stand as.
If I had to choose to be any animal, I would probably have to go with an eagle.  I think it would be awesome to have the ability to fly.  Also, eagles can live up to seventy years.  The eagle symbolizes many things including:  courage, strength, and immortality.  America uses the eagle to symbolize us as a strong, unified nation.  Watching an eagle soar in the air is a neat experience everyone should see.  They are so majestic and graceful in the sky.  Eagles go about their business without disrupting others.  I feel that eagles are probably one of the most respected animals throughout history.  Living the life of the eagle, I feel, would be the best choice of any animal.     
I would be Corn because Corn originated from the America like myself. It is also very important to Central and South America. My wife is from Central America. Corn helped the first American Colonists survive so it represents survival to me, just what I had been trained to do for the last 20 years in the military. Corn has been used for many things and represents change just as I’m doing now. Changing my direction in life. And finally corn grows and needs care and resources to grow. This is just like college growing with new resources.
If I was a fruit, I would be a pomegranate. Pomegranates have a hard, outer shell but everything inside is very gentle. My outer shell is trusting other people. I put on an outer shell when I do not want to let people in, but when I do let them, they see everything. Breaking the outer shell of a pomegranate is really difficult, if you want to do it properly, you have to take your time.That is why I am like a pomegranate, because of their shell and they are sweet. I like to think I am pretty sweet, too.  
If I were to choose to be an animal, fruit, vegetable, or flower I would be an animal. The animal of my choosing would be a dog. Dogs have a great life if they are in the right household. A good owner/family to a dog is very important. All dogs do is eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and play with the family. My dog is spoiled beyond belief and when I get home after a long day of school or work and see her sprawled out on the couch; all i can think is, "I wish I had your life."
Who I am can be compared to the elephant. Elephants share many characteristics with us. They have a strong sense of family and can create strong relationships. My family and my relationships are very important to me and are what keeps me going in life. Without them, I wouldn’t be the person that I grew up to be. Each elephant is unique and has their own personality. No two are alike, just like all of us humans. An elephant is an animal that has the ability to show emotions when they’re sad or happy. Showing emotions is something I have never been afraid to do. An elephant also symbolizes luck, and I consider myself to be incredibly lucky. I have wonderful people in my life who support me and my decisions. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and clean water. I am lucky to share characteristics with the elephant.
If I had to choose out of being an animal, plant, fruit, or vegetable I'd have to choose being an animal. The animal I'd choose would be a domesticated cat. Now when making this choice I decided with being a cat because dogs have to go outside to go to the bathroom. Going outside wouldn't be a problem except for winter, having cold paws I'm assuming would really suck. Instead I'd be able to go to the bathroom indoors inside a sand box essentially. Cats are definitely smarter than dogs too. They get to do whatever the heck they feel like and they're not expected to fetch or be "man's best friend." The only cats are expected to do is to lay down on a lap or blanket and get petted. Now that is the life. So because of some slight advantages of being a cat, I'd choose being a cat. 
If I were an animal, I would be a cat because then I could just sit around my apartment all day and not worry about anything. If I were a fruit I would be a tomato because nobody thinks of a tomato as a fruit. If I were a vegetable I would be a potato because of their versatility in cooking. If I were a flower I would be a corpse flower because because I'd be popular when I bloomed.
If I could be any of those I would choose to be a red rose. I would choose to be a red rose because of its meaning. They are known to show love and passion.  A red rose is also the perfect fit for me because I am a very loving and passionate person.
If I were any animal in the world I would probably be a moose. The reason I think I would be a moose is because they kind of come off as a type of awkward animal and they are a bit goofy. This is what I think of myself. I'm a bit awkward and I tend to be a very goofy person. I may not have antlers or four legs, but my personality fits with what a moose would have.
 If I could choose to be any animal, I would choose an eagle. This may not be a common choice, but for me it would be because they are protected. People aren't allowed to harm them. I also think it would be awesome to be able to fly from place to place and not have to worry about anything. You also wouldn't have to deal with figuring out a way to get somewhere. It would just be a convenience to be able to fly and know you can't be harmed on purpose. These are the main reasons I would choose to be an eagle.
I can't exactly remember if the assignment was which one you would rather be or what kind of each you would rather be. If I had to pick one I would be an animal. If I had to choose what kind of animal I would be a tiger, a fruit I would be strawberries, a vegetable I would be corn, and a flower I would be a rose.  Hopefully I did this right. 
If I were an animal I would be a honey badger, because the honey badger is a fearless animal and it doesn’t care about other animals. If I were a fruit, I would be a royalty raspberry because they have aren’t difficult to grow and people use them in many foods. If I were a vegetable, I would be lettuce because lettuce seems to be the least hated and most used vegetable. If I were a flower, I would be a chocolate cosmo because they have a chocolate scent to them and a strong, burgundy color.
If I were any of these I would probably be a fruit. The fruit that I would specifically be is a strawberry.  The sight of strawberries just makes people happy, and that’s kind of how I am. I have a positive attitude and people are just in a great mood because of me. I’d also be a strawberry because they’re sweet and so am I. The final reason I would be a strawberry is because they smell pleasant and I have been complimented for smelling good.

I would be an animal.  A fruit and a vegetable get eaten at the end and a flower just sits in the sun all day and fights the weather until winter when it dies.  An animal may get eaten but they are always on adventures if they are wild and loved if they are caged.  I like going on adventures that’s why I chose an animal.
I would be a cat.  They don’t have to deal with colde weather.  You don’t have to worry about getting killed by other animals or people.  And, I like cats.